Tuesday, August 31, 2010

K.T.D.T.H.B Miri~~

i miz diz place so much..hehehe..a lot of memory~~
if i'm not mistaken diz one blok dedikasi,rite??..
haizzz..forget ody lo..5 years o..
blok utk f.4,f.2 n f.6..
kalu xsilap la..
diz one dewan premier~~ skrg guna dewan baru..
hehehe..tmpt sportcheck la ni..

hostel 4 girls~~..nice one..
tp dlu mn da hostel gini..
buruk gitu..haizz..
air terjun mini~~
cantik ni air terjun..
ada ank ikan lg..hehehe..kiut..
view yg salu jd tmpt letak n b'gbr..
taman rekreasi~~
hihi..tempat utk urut kaki..
ada batu refleksologi..
uiii..btl ka ejaan ni??..hahaha..
antam ja la..
ntah pa2..hehehe..
blok pejabat am..chewah..
pjbt yg penuh dgn kenangan suka n duka..
hahaha..fhm2 je la sapa yg prnh msuk cni..
yg ujung tu blok utk f.1 n f.6..
lupa da nama blok tu..hishh..
yg pasti blok tu dkat dgn makmal kaji hayat..
hohoho..dgn pokok ara yg bsar~~
taman mini..
tmpt org yg salu kena kerja murni..
hohoho..rndu la tgk org keja kat cni..


Sunday, August 29, 2010

~S.W clazmate~

before taking picture~~
pergaduhan antara kenny n james..
gado...jgn xgado~~
rabbit gurlz~~hahahaha..
ragge gurlz sesat..
tauke circus~~hahahaha
apek sama amoi cina~~
clown kesepian n manja~~`
cowboy gurlz~~
badut2 yg cute..hahahaha...
james with his clown hat~~
si gay n psgn nya~~~
its me lo~~


Monday, August 23, 2010

My cRazY fRenzA

haizz..sempat lg pose..while waiting 4 my brother lo~~

after finish kayak~~
waiting 4 da bus..
wei..bus is here la..where the driver bus??..
see..sum1 tgh lyn bluess..hihi..ayu nyer..
u see the advertisement..almost the same rite??..seamus..better u go 4 treatment..hehehe..
haizzz..diz gurl a..like who??..angelina jolie liao~~
kulan..what happen??..u eat sweet & sour ka??..
after finish role play 4 EPP..
ah ying with her cute style lo..
chef cook : Ricky Jalong..
delicious but very spicy one..haizz..
hehe..testing taking picture in da toilet..
who diz??..
uhuk2..smpt pose dlm student louge..hihi..sementara tggu 3.30pm..
chak2 ba..dui manda..
manda say " i want this!!"
kulan say " ok2..i'll buy 4 u"
yeahh!! thanks mom!!
p'jumpaan kayak..CTF2,BS6~~