Thursday, March 31, 2011

English For Self Expression~~

Location : Keranji Food Court (KFC)

Two days before ESE..hehe..

they try very hard to memorize their script..

All da best guys!!

One day before Ese.. our grup doing rehearsal..gila2 jer.. hahaha.. and the day has come~~ this is the princess of intelligent.. try to memorize her script.. nerves la tek.. hehe.. this is our big boss a.k.a grup leader.. he the only man in our grup.. his play a role as Ben.. the one who come from real world.. suddenly appeared in fairy tale.. well done,arthur!! this is our diractor..chewah.. she play a role as princess of power.. hehehehe.. she's the one who poison ben.. bcoz she care enough bout princess of curious.. well done,jess!! this is a role as princess of gentle.. the one who love ben with all heart.. jiwang,doh!! love to sing~~ lalalallalalalalallla~~ this is princess of warrior.. hehehehe.. comei gitu..alalala.. known as nani.. this is a role as princess of curious.. the one who ben admires.. close with princess of power.. the scene begin~~ princess of power chit chat with princess of curious.. hahaha..teruk betul berlakon pakai kaki ayam.. ish2..ank sapa la ni.. scene three.. princess of curious in the garden.. acting hbs~~ hahaha..malu2 ja time nih..siot.. ben giving a rose for princess of curious.. hehehe.. adoi..satu kelas bising.. titanic song playing~~ >.<

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Social Work Day's With Rumah Kanak-Kanak Sri Aman

Lokasi : Dewan Unimas (DU)

adoi..tgk muka si ereff ni..

mcm tukang gunting di salon ni..hihi..

si sha ni pula mo jd model..

bulih suka itu..

chakk!!.. m'yelit jap di tepi..


akulah plg hensem..

bilang si ereff..

perbincangan agung...hehe..

sbnrnya bncg psl jungle trakking ni..kuang2~~

model2 yg xberapa nak cantik..hihi..

al maklumla.. insan besa jer..hahaha.. telepati antara gue sma ereff..


ni la brg yg ada di cais..hihi..pameran FK..

unik..& kreatif...hoho..

gbr kat tgga pun jd la..jnji bergbr..


ni kat pusat bowling..


bawa knk2 p men bowling..

best giler..

tp syg bola berat sgt..

knk2 pun xlarat nak agkt bola..

ni yg xjoin bowling..

main pool pun jd la..hihi..

best jg main ni..


wauu!! shinning btl gbr ni.. manusia or ???
lepas main bowling~~

lokasi seterusnya ke jambatan CINTA..

sini la tmpt org salu dating..hahaha..

opsss..ada yg terasa ke??

kat bwh jmbtn ni ler tmpt org salu pancing..

hehe..kantoi pulak..


jgn smpi guard tau dahla..xp

Monday, March 28, 2011

Kayak For Humanity

All paddlers from UNIMAS and ICON Malaysia taking picture with YB Larry Sng...